Monday, August 11, 2014

Noontime Propaganda Update

Did you know that the military of the former country of Iraq failed because so many of it's members retired? Well, dah, where was the USA military when they never realized so many were near retirement when they road their tanks out of Iraq into Kuwait.

That enlightening report was from talking head retired general Spider Marks who had just flown back from Iraq in consultation with the community behind the blast walls in Baghdad.

And FOX talking heads seem to think President Obama handed over the USA Air Force to Maliki because the President responded to the call by ? Iraq ? to bomb the northern region where the McCain inspired ISIS/ISIL was advancing. Confused to say the least.

Now, to make up for the confusion about the retirement of so many soldiers in the former Iraqi military the nation of Western Iran has instilled a new Prime Minister. Anything to save face.

Now to the USA where police are still killing innocent civilians. 

..."Several other stores (click here) along a main road near the shooting scene were broken into, including a check-cashing store, a boutique and a small grocery store. People also took items from a sporting goods store and a cellphone retailer, and carted rims away from a tire store.

"TV footage showed streams of people walking out of a liquor store carrying bottles of alcohol, and in some cases protesters were standing atop police cars or taunting officers who stood stoic, often in riot gear."...

There are demonstrations today in the USA protesting the killing of so many dead citizens at the hand of police departments inspired by the 23 or more dead homeless citizens in Albuquerque.

James Boyd was murdered on March 24, 2014. That was four and a half months ago and there are still no charges filed against the assassin police swat team. Since then the city and their police department are peddling as fast as they can to make example of the teens that followed the police example by killing more homeless people. Teens.

While the teens need to be dealt with, the police are still without charges and James Boyd is still very, very dead.

Since the death of James Boyd there have been killing of many innocent people including many African Americans. There are few states in the nation that can claim their are free of killer cops. 

What is being done to end this problem? It would seem nothing and the police are more and more convinced it is Americans with the problem. Yet, armed camps of right wing extremists still walk this country and kill others. What is wrong with this country?

It is back to school time in a few weeks in most southern states. The northern states usually go back to school after Labor Day. A nice gesture that is more than practical considering once school is begun there is actually uninterrupted until Columbus Day and then followed by Veteran's Day. There may be an occasional holy day here and there for some folks though. But, the really exciting news is there are many new students in some schools this year. They are the children sent to the USA by heart broken and/or dead family to save their lives. They are going to get their first taste of school American style and for many this may be their first understanding of education at all. It is an exciting time for these magnificent and brave children. I hope it all goes well.

Today in Palestine, the cold hard fact that there are 10 to 1 wounded over dead in the Gaza community. Can you imagine being a surviving Palestinian and thinking, "Let's see 10 to 1 everyone else is in the hospitals, let's start there." 

In Israel they are taking polls. Seriously.

...In three different polls, (click here) sizable majorities – ranging from 59 percent to 78 percent – termed the war at best a draw, and perhaps even an Israeli defeat; only 21% to 41% deemed it an Israeli victory. Thus, one would expect Israelis to be angry at the prime minister who presided over this fiasco. Instead, Binyamin Netanyahu’s handling of the war was approved by 59% of respondents in one poll and a whopping 77% in another.

Analysts as diverse as the centrist Shmuel Rosner and the left-wing Haaretz’s Yossi Verter explained this anomaly as reflecting a recognition that defeating Hamas isn't possible, so a tie was the best that could be achieved. Yet that explanation doesn't jibe with another poll finding: A majority of Israelis wanted to continue the operation rather than ending it. That makes no sense if they actually thought the operation had achieved the maximum possible; who in Israel would want IDF soldiers to continue dying in Gaza for nothing? Indeed, respondents even told pollsters which additional goals they wanted achieved: eliminating Hamas’s rocket capabilities, topping Gaza’s Hamas government, targeting Hamas leaders....

So feeling very secure in Israel, there is a populous that want Hamas dead. See, the Israeli government has played politics with Palestinian lives and never bothered to explain the assault of Gaza was like shooting fish in a barrel. Minor point that might even give Israel's citizens a moment of pause to realize they approved of mass killing of innocent people including children. 

It would seem Israel lacks the ability to move past it's 'business as usual' mind set that allows the belief they can actually invade an independent nation of people that have suffered to the point where death means nothing. 

More later.