Thursday, April 03, 2014

I needed a day off.

James Boyd is someone. He is an American and people tend to forget that bad times occur with people most economically vulnerable. In 2008 we witnessed even people who thought they were secure fall in the rank of the impoverished.

Yesterday, I mourned James Boyd. Not because he was homeless, but, because he was a target of an uncaring state and city government and a police force without an ounce of sense. 

I sometimes work with homeless artists. They are primarily joyful people and a pleasure to talk to especially when they talk about their craft or art. 

The region I live we perform a homeless census every year. We know who they are, the problems they face and then advocate for their circumstances and it isn't always 'need' they face, sometimes it is infrastructure or lack of monies available for loans or the loss of credibility both financial and personal reputation. Sometimes it is need as with Mr. Boyd who I noticed had a medication bottle among his belongs in the video. But, I have realized the circumstances that create homelessness can be individual. It is up to us to understand our citizens and move to correct the ills of our society. 

The homeless that have I met are men, women and families. They are nice people in social situations where they are given the opportunity to be a part of something. They earn respect and then have personal references to take forward in looking for work. They do volunteer work as they stay at local shelters with don't allow alcohol. Those shelters are open everyday of the year and are supported by the community and their non-profit status. They are often affiliated with religious organizations. 

But, for the most part they move on. There are some that don't and they live within their understanding of life. But, this year we have had the worst winter this area has ever seen with wind chills down to -60 F. They chronically homeless made it through. When police find them huddles somewhere they aren't allowed to freeze to death, they are picked up by the police and brought to a shelter. From their they find reality and grow from it. 

I am so sorry James Boyd is dead. It is not part of my reality and nor do I want it ever to be part of my reality. He was lied to in order to enter into a 'prescribed profile' by police so they may kill him and practice their techniques. No one will ever convince me otherwise. He had turned to leave his circumstances and he was shot. It is very easy to see in the video when he was standing that his posture changed into a limp state and he then fell to the ground. Every effort should be made to find a relative and they need to sue the city and state for the lose of the life of James Boyd.