Sunday, March 09, 2014

The rhetoric of the GOP regarding exporting gas to Europe is simply that rhetoric.

The infrastructure doesn't exist. Kindly note this is as of February 21, 2014.

Export Terminal (click here)
Sabine, LA: - 2.76 Bcfd
(Cheniere/Sabine Pass LNG)

You can't float natural gas by hot air balloon either, it is heavier than air.

The approval of import terminals need to stop and/or be severely slowed. We don't need them. I mean according to the petroleum industry the USA is energy independent now, right? 

Export has to occur with LNG (liquid natural gas). Propane doesn't ship well. The export terminals have to be curtailed otherwise the USA will look like Swiss cheese. Nothing against Switzerland. Even "America's Got Talent" loves yodeling. Country-Western no less. Interesting, isn't it?

North American LNG Import/Export Terminals (below click here)

Angela Macdonald-smith

Aspiring LNG project (click here) developer Liquefied Natural Gas is close to scoring a coup over its many larger rivals in the crowded US gas export sector, expecting to reach a milestone within weeks in the complex regulatory process for its $US3.5 billion terminal venture in Louisiana.
Managing director Maurice Brand said the critical filing with the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for the Magnolia LNG terminal was on track to be made in April, setting the first phase of the project on track for a potential final go-ahead in 2015.
LNG Ltd's progress on its Magnolia project comes as pressure builds on the US government to accelerate the pace of approvals of gas exports, especially in the wake of the crisis in Crimea that could threaten Russian exports to Europe....