Tuesday, December 31, 2013

If the Right Political Wing, including the Koch's terror films threatening young people's genitals there might be 7 million instead of half that.

DISCUSSION (This is how the document from the CBO)
The Department projections begin with the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) national Marketplace enrollment estimate of 7 million individuals in 2014 and project monthly enrollment totals for each month of the open enrollment period (see Table 1). These projections rely on state targets where available....

The document can be found in this Forbes article:

Bruce Jaspen

..."But it is clear to this point (click here) that the administration isn't yet to the halfway point of 7 million that the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office projected in a September memo...

The CBO never factored in the enrollment would be tampered with by Right Wing propaganda. So, their estimate is most likely correct. To state the CBO over reached and their calculations can't be trusted, one has to realize tampering with enrollment by instilling fear in our young population and stating President Obama broke some kind of promise is not necessarily measurable.

The Koch Brothers are misinformation personified. There is no decency in their political focus. Where is the morality in scaring young Americans against their own best interests.