Saturday, November 16, 2013

There is already a model to fix the regulations of the PPACA.

Straightening out the regulations written under Sebelius is not a hurdle at all. Currently, SSI pays dividends to private health care insurance carriers through the Medicare Advantage program which still exists and will continue to exist. The payments have about a 60 day lag to the insurance companies. So, when the regulations are written properly and the government has to supply the subsidy up front to the insurance companies there is already a model to do that and the insurance companies don't mind it a bit.

The up front subsidies will not effect the national budget deadline in January or the Debt Ceiling deadline in February. 

The monies for the subsidies are already there in the form of three years of tax collection spawned within the law. 

From the previous article.

...I suspect many, many Americans like me will wait until the last moment to enroll for new coverage not because we want to do that but because we financially have no choice. That’s working class health economics 101....

All this is doable and I want to hear no excuses.