Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tell it to the Supreme Court.

WASHINGTON — As the pitchman for his landmark healthcare law, (click here) President Obama promised to make buying insurance as easy as buying a plane ticket online or a "TV on Amazon." It would be simple, he said.
If there were problems, the president predicted, they would be "glitches."
And he said, "If you like the plan you have, you can keep it."

Such claims have come back to haunt the president and his allies less than a month into the launch of the online insurance marketplaces at the heart of his healthcare legislation. With the federal website hobbled by bad design and thousands of policyholders receiving cancellation notices, Obama's promises are not being met — prompting charges of deception from some Republicans and concessions from some allies that elements of the law were oversold....

This is NOT President Obama's Landmark legislation. The legislation was written in the House long before it finally made it to the floor. As much as President Obama would like to claim his fame to historic legislation to insure every American has healthcare, but, it is not his to claim. Quite frankly.

Haunt? Very cute. Happy Halloween to you, too.

The health insurance policies stated to be cancelled should have never existed in the first place, but, leave to Wall Street to read between the lines of any national and/or state law and write Non-Health health insurance. Basically, take people's money without providing services to the subscriber. Those policies are fraudulent. Insufficient health insurance is NOT insurance at all. "The Emperor's New Clothes."

President Obama in his willingness to believe the best of every American and every company in the USA paints broad statements about the ability to keep healthcare insurance if an American has it now. It is a statement about contracts that exist that people have that are actually real health insurance contracts. That is about 85% of the nation. The other 15% will have to give up the JUNK they have now and enter into contracts that are not fraudulent to their purpose.

The national media is sickening, they ride any band wagon the Republicans dream up which confuses the people, brings forth empathy for those complaining and demand change when it is inappropriate to satisfy their readership or viewership ratings to sell advertisement. I have a suggestion, why not sell health care insurance ads and finally tell the people the truth. That might work.