Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The USA is not at all good at war. The USA is good at producing war hardware, therefore the USA is the best prepared to cause war.

This is from two years ago. It is the only accounting of the Afghan war still today.

The USA is not good at war and enters it without any exit strategy, it's engagement is achieved with all the hubris the propagandists can muster, then the USA military brass 'figures it out' as the chaos begins.

That is not a country that has a purpose for war, that is a country in dire need to JUSTIFY it's military spending in it's national budget.

The country of Afghanistan was free of it's worst residents when the USA entered to capture and kill those responsible for the attacks on September 11, 2001. The bad guys literally headed for the hills. The progress to ending the lives of those responsible waned when the USA forces were diverted to a war of convenience and revenge in Iraq. 

The USA is not only not good at war, it has an attention deficit when it comes to focusing on the mission. We need to end this hideous industry in the USA to the extent it exists. The 'justification' for The  USA Military Industrial Complex doesn't exist. It is time for the war mongering political leadership to end their chorus and the USA military machine fall in line with it's allies. The USA should never be able to carry out a war by itself. It is the only nation on the face of Earth that can and it does a lousy job of it. 

The USA is so lost for it's military identity, it now wants to automate it's entire military forces and operate any and all assaults by computer terminal. It is out of control and without a vision or purpose. The costs are hideous and ridiculous and far exceeds any need or purpose of the USA.

USA forces are defeated NOT by computer driven enemies, but, by IEDs and Road Side Bombs. Hello? How many Soldier Robots is the USA going to need to defeat an enemy exactly. This is getting to be moronic and pathetic.

10 years in Afghanistan: the data showing how the country has changed (click here)

Which US states have been hit worst by the war in Afghanistan? Over 1,600 Americans have died in the country since 2001 and we wanted to examine the impact on lives in the US. We've collected this data from the US official casualty site (it also includes figures for each state of deaths in Iraq). It shows that Texas and California have lost the most people in Afghanistan - 103 and 120 by the end of May this year. They have also had the most wounded - 836 and 951, respectively. But they are also the most populous states and if you look at deaths per capita, a different picture emerges, with tiny Maine hit the hardest - 1.52 deaths per 100,000 people....