Friday, August 16, 2013

This is how ridiculous the "Mind Speak" of the Right Wing has become in regard to carbon pollution.

If Senator Inhofe doesn't know the President is exempt from The Hatch Act, then he doesn't belong in office. In fact, it is Senator Inhofe in violation of his oath of office to serve and protect the citizens of Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Inhofe (click here) is investigating “apparent coordination” between the Obama administration and Organizing for Action to push the president’s new climate plan.

Inhofe also outlined potential Hatch Act violations.

“There seems to be a coincidental coordination between the White House, the President’s campaign, and the liberal media that is weaving a false and potentially harmful narrative of alarmism,” said Inhofe. “Just as the OFA has called for light to be shed on members of Congress not in lockstep with the President’s agenda, I will work to shed light on the coincidence of coordination in the Obama Administration we continue to see unfold.”...

Senator Inhofe is at the very least committing yet another Ethical Violation for using the monies of the federal government to manipulate a political venue for his own benefit.

Hatch Act: Who is Covered? (click here)
Federal Employees
All civilian employees in the executive branch of the federal government, except the President and the Vice President, are covered by the provisions of the Hatch Act. Employees of the U. S. Postal Service, are also covered by the Act. Part-time employees are covered by the Act. Federal and District of Columbia employees subject to the Hatch Act continue to be covered while on annual leave, sick leave, leave without pay, or furlough. However, employees who work on an occasional or irregular basis, or who are special government employees, as defined in title 18 U. S.C. § 202(a), are subject to the restrictions only when they are engaged in government business.

Federal employees fall within two categories under the Hatch Act, Further Restricted and Less Restricted.

Senator Inhofe is overreaching and attempting to imperil the powers of the Executive Branch to carry out it's duties under the laws and authorities of the USA.

This is the current map of the ocean water temperatures along the southern coast of the USA. The "N/A" means the temperature gauge is not working. Louisiana has one tempterature gauge and it just don't seem to be working. Odd, isn't it? I mean Louisiana is so vigilant about environmental disasters potentially happening.

The US EPA has to worry about gaseous emissions of all kinds including those causing this drastic change in climate with climbing ocean temperatures. If Senator Inhofe doesn't understand the science to successfully dispute findings of our own scientists, then he is wrongly placed in his committee assignment and serves not the American people, but, the petroleum industry in that capacity. I want an investigation into the ethical standards of the Inhofe office in his role on this committee. He cannot forever go on carrying out rhetorical lies as a USA Senator. He is using his position on the committee to carry out politics and not his responsibilities to the people.