Thursday, August 22, 2013

Electric Cooperatives

August 21, 2013
By Shirley Min, @WHYYShirley_Min
Electricity generated (click here) at Delaware's newest solar farm near Georgetown is now flowing to hundreds of homes in Kent and Sussex Counties. The Delaware Electric Cooperative's Bruce A. Henry Solar Energy Farm started producing power last month, but the entire facility became operational this week. 
Construction on the 20-acre site began in January, where 16,000 locally-manufactured solar panels generate enough power to light up 500 homes. Co-op officials say they are considering doubling the size of the $14 million facility, which would also double the output, producing power for 1,000 homes.
"Once plans to build the solar farm were finalized, we decided to use products made in Delaware. Aside from the obvious environmental benefits, this project has provided a boost to the state’s economy," said Bill Andrew, president and CEO of Delaware Electric Cooperative.
In its first year alone, the four megawatt solar project is expected to prevent more than 12 million pounds of carbon dioxide from being released into the air, which is the equivalent of taking 1,239 cars off the road....