Tuesday, July 30, 2013

"The Anti-Quinn Vote"

Huma Aberdin has quite a following. That is more than interesting.

But, the second place candidate in the New York Democratic Mayoral Primary is the Anti-Quinn vote. It isn't really about the other candidate so much as it is about anyone besides Quinn.

The current city Democratic primary reminds me of the Republican Presidential Primary of 2012. There was a consistent Romney vote and then there was everyone else.

Now the other 'second place' candidates are taking their turns at be second best. They'll either sink as Former Rep. Weiner had done or they will succeed to carry the percentage that does not want Quinn. 

We all know how it works. Once the next best candidate reaches populous following they are tried and then eliminated by the populous opinion court. Former Rep. Weiner will not make a comeback, no different than Rick "Oops" Perry or Grandpa Pizza Sexual Harasser Herman Cane.

Everyone will get their time in the popular public court and then resigned to "Oh, you."

July 30, 2013
By Olivia Nuzzi

My reasons for joining Anthony Weiner’s mayoral campaign were not complicated.
Since high school, I had interned for political campaigns in New Jersey. One morning, several of my friends sent me links to the same online ad for the Weiner campaign, seeking applications for internships.
They thought it would be educational and entertaining.
How right they were.
My education began very quickly.
“I’m here because of Huma,” Clay Adam Wade, a junior staffer, explained to me.
The sentiment was repeated to me again by some fellow interns....