Monday, July 08, 2013

The American media is picking and choosing the current facts about the Asiana Airlines crash and backing it up with past performance by the airline. They basically no nothing, but, it doesn't matter so long as the media lays the platform for Wall Street profits.

Here is a scenario that works for me, the plane was landing until the move to 'go around' when the crew was alarmed by an indication of engine stall so increasing airspeed to reacquire altitude the tail section goes down as the nose goes up. Got the picture? 

I actually believe the pilot was doing just fine until the alarm and the co-pilot asked for altitude. So much for South Korean cabin dysfunction syndrome (Which of course American pilots don't have) of a paternalistic society theory.

The pilot didn't need to do anything except give the engines fuel 'enough' to prevent the stall so he could apply reverse engines and brakes. 

But, that is all hindsight and anyone can do that. I look forward to the results of the NTSB unimpeded investigation. 

You know two South Korean children died here, I would hope the bigotry would take a back seat to humility SOMEDAY. 

Americans have a "Domination Syndrome" that likes, for social and political reasons of war, to make any incident that requires their humility to be inferior in thinking and priority. They don't know how or want to respect others with more benevolent and peaceful cultures. This incident is another example of "American Domination Syndrome" whereby attitudes and platitudes in a South Korean airline cabin were ineffectual and tragic. 

And Wall Street loves the American Domination Syndrome for so many reasons including the fact destroying the land to benefit profits was such a good idea.