Monday, June 24, 2013

The knock-knock joke was a calcualted risk to raise doubt about the process.

I am quite confident the defense has convinced themselves the State has no case. The joke was made to raise the idea there are two George Zimmermans in the public mind. So, the defense wanted the jury to be deprogrammed and that is why their opening statement was lengthy.

The jury is sequestered so now the defense they have control to remove any media bias and create a new identity for their client.

It was done in such bad taste that it automatically raises the issue of appeal and/or mistrial.

The defense in the Martin Zimmerman case absolutely believe that if Mr. Martin didn't attempt to defend himself he would be alive today. See, Mr. Zimmerman was doing nothing more than seeking to be sure Mr. Martin was not a threat to the community as Neighborhood Watch Captain. Mr. Zimmerman was within his rights to carry out his vigilance. 

So, the defense has to set the tone of the trial to raise doubt about the State's motivations, (Black President - Black Young Man - "If Trayvon was my son I would feel the same way."), raise doubt about Mr. Zimmerman's actions and raise doubt about Mr. Martin's 'temperment.' The defense wants the jury to believe beyond a reasonable doubt about the propriety of the charges itself. Mr. Zimmerman was released by the police after all. 

If Mr. Martin had behaved he would be alive today. Mr. Zimmerman did what any reasonable man would do and defend himself from someone out of control. Mr. Martin was not suppose to have feelings. He was suppose to behave and disarm any idea he was suspicious in his appearance, demeanor and defiance of someone following him. 

That's the defense. It is Mr. Martin's fault that Mr. Martin is dead because he over reacted to the presence of Mr. Zimmerman.