Sunday, June 02, 2013

The entitlement has to stop and I would think after the latest experience with the GOP it would be obvious.

Manipulating the news media is a vital part of the GOP assault against the citizen. If the news media is in sync with the political message all is well with the world.

If there is a prime example of crony politics with media support is the co-conspirator James Rosen. He was deeply associated with GOP lies and corruption. The events surrounding the outing of the CIA was astounding access and involvement by a journalist.

To appreciate how deep Rosen was involved with GOP elections realize he was more involved with rewriting history than recording it.

By Felix Gillette 
...Mr. Rosen (click here) said that he will address the whole of Mr. Mitchell’s life but is most interested in clearing up his subject’s actual role in Watergate. “John Mitchell denied to the day he died that he ordered the Watergate break-in,” said Mr. Rosen. “It’s going to be a controversial book because I will come to a different conclusion on who ordered the break-in, why, what it’s purpose was and who was the real mastermind of the coverup.”
Spoiler alert: It wasn’t Mr. Mitchell. “Oscar Wilde said that our lone duty to history is continually to rewrite it,” said Mr. Rosen.
As it turned out, however, rewriting history took a touch longer than expected. Mr. Rosen said he has been “slaving away” on the book for the past 17 years. His obsession with the subject dates back even longer....
One of the deepest passions of the GOP is to rewrite Nixon's Watergate. The party is convinced there needs to be a real truth no one has ever reported. Seventeen years is a long time for dedication to a subject which is suppose to be a biography only to have it to be a re-write of history.
Mr. Rosen was a researcher for Dan Rather. Investigative journalism came easy to him. He would be recruited by FOX for on air commentary. The die was cast. Rosen was now an advertisement for FOX, if the GOP needed a dedicated person to trust James Rosen would be their man. 
Such journalists write lies as reality until the lies are lone reality enforced by exclusion of all else. The status quo, public order, should never be disturbed, the USA economy thrives on it.
Nothing was more clear. Rosen was a journalist bound by a sacred trust to keep sources out of the action. He could be trusted and then came the man who was President running for a second term.
It is nearly laughable if it weren't so serious. President Obama stated the USA was safe or safer than before and the GOP had to prove him a liar and worse than Richard Nixon to remain in office. Rosen's only fact to bring forward in proof of his theory involved outing a CIA agent and endangering the public at the Olympics. Oddly, enough, it was the Olympics that Romney hung his hat as a man that could turn around any downturn. Amazing. Rosen actually compromised the very event Romney was stumping to the public. What kind of a mess was that?
But, what is really astounding is that Rosen and his 'friends' had to go that far to find a fact that would call President Obama a liar. The danger wasn't even in the USA, it was London. A plane was the closest Rosen and his source could get to making it all happen. Overthrow of a popular President was near.
Oh, but, no he isn't a co-conspirator, he is a tried and true journalist. Tainted with perspective and known to be trusted with other breaches of security compliments of Stephen Jin-Woo Kim there is absolutely no conspiracy at all. 
What do you call a man known to publish any aspect of information no matter the source, no matter the danger to the public, no matter the danger to world order? A newsman? No. You call him what he, a co-conspirator.
This is profound entitlement known as corruption and it has existed far too long. This breach in national security cries for attention and the Obama administration are the best people to handle it. At least this administration believes in Freedom of the Press, even if it stops at national security.