Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Confirmed Tornadoes in Woodbine and Eldersburg

These smaller tornado events happen nearly daily now in the USA. It is not isolated to Oklahoma either. More and more the tornadoes are everywhere there is a 'heat sink.' It could be stated, the heat sinks are now generating their own tornadoes because there is no residual coolness in the troposphere anymore.

This is the Baltimore, Maryland area.

The national media could not care less about personal tragedy unless it is scandalous, provocative, sensational and producing profits. That is not an opinion, that is fact. One media service mimics the other because it pays to do so, not because there is anything worthwhile being stated. Literally, everyone follows the most extremely sensational story and seeks profits all along the way. The American national media isn't interested in providing service to the nation, they are interested in leveraging political power.

And by leveraging power, let me make myself clear. The national media is interested in leveraging power against the truth and in favor of Wall Street profits. Got that? 

In the case of the AP, it was leveraging power in favor of a Republican agenda. If compromising millions of people and the security of the Olympics could place a Republican in the White House, so what.

In the case of the NSA, it is to leverage power away from government authority and in favor of Wall Street control. Regardless, the citizen loses. If the programs end because of the media leveraging power, then citizens are victims. Ending the program does not benefit the citizen, it benefits Wall Street and it's ability to carry out it's own surveillance without government interference. In time equity companies can have their own priorities over that of the citizen because they have control and government lost it.

In the case of the IRS, it is all hubris. The IRS was struggling to find a method to do it's job after a wayward Supreme Court decision. Even Sandra Day O'Conner said, "Oops." What does anyone expect a government agency to do when the US legislature is dysfunctional and the US Supreme Court is lined with Right Wing Nuts?

It is all about leveraging power. The Republicans are attempting to turn the Senate majority into a minority right now, so the national media is more than happy to be a part of it. The Boston Herald is a right wing news agency and this is it's tilt. Part of their coverage is to develop the platform for more nut cases to turn out on election day in Massachusetts. Has nothing to do with fact or what is best, simply power.

“Independents (click here) seem to be further away from the Obama administration,” said Paleologos, adding that the scandals “are resonating, especially with independents.”

Rep. Markey needs to take the poll seriously and demand an interview in response to this report with The Boston Herald. Own it. The same paradigm was noted with Senator Warren, but, she had to hold the line every step of the way.

So, the national scandals are not about citizens, their rights, the facts or the truth, it is about INFLUENCE and election outcomes. Who cares if some poor sap had his garage destroyed because of a big weather event? The national media has to keep the Democrats from actually doing the right thing for the nation. That is far more important to Wall Street than any other coverage they can carry out.

Senator Markey needs to know what the proper role of government is and promise to carry it out. Any REASONABLE voter will respect that. He also has to ASK the state's electorate to turn out to vote. It is up to him to LEAD and not simply pander to attacks by media. He is fully capable of doing exactly that. DEMAND EQUAL TIME, SIR.

The media circus provides a distraction from the real issues of the day. It sidelines the election of leadership and assigns it to tabloid prophesy. Extremism.

June 11, 2013
...A fire official in Howard County (click here) reported high winds destroyed a building and detached garage were destroyed in the part of Woodbine that is in Howard County.
In the 3200-block of Starting Gate Court, homeowner Dennis Davison said he was just finished with dinner when he heard the wind and immediately ran to the front door of his Woodbine home.  
"Just in time to see pieces of garage go up in the air," he said. "There is no doubt in my mind that was a tornado."
He said it lifted car parts and other heavy equipment and tossed them like toys.
"This is what you see on TV," he said.  "I'm glad no one else got hit.  It took down a few trees, so hopefully the insurance company will cover it."
Near the Fork United Methodist Church near Harford Road, many people said they heard what sounded like a tornado.
"When I looked out my kitchen window, I saw everything just blowing like I've never seen before," said Laurie Herring. "I could hear this horrendous roar."...