Friday, May 17, 2013

The Koch Brothers strategy to win elections is not noble, it is based in buying votes using the 501(c)4 status.

The Koch Brothers ultimate dreamscape is to have every person in the nation 'on the dole' to create their own incentive to casting votes for their agenda.

In other words, every person in the country should have their own 501(c)4 to find money to promote 'their cause' no matter the cause. That would create an incentive to vote on a particular path. An example is that of Grover Norquist. He took a particular point of view and was able to build a PLEDGE that meant a great deal to conservative voters. He became a miliion - billionaire. I am quite sure he never votes for anyone but hard core conservatives that believe in starving the beast into the vanishing point.

That is basically what the Koch Brothers promote as a reason to secure their political clout to effect their business wealth. If the Koch Brothers can secure enough of the electorate throughout the areas of the country where they derive their profits they can be more profitable by destroying protections of consumers, etc.

The Kochs are seeking to pad their wealth quotient through political victories that will serve their profit margins. Using 501(c)4s in that manner is buying votes. The Kochs don't directly pay the voters, but, they donate to an organization to deliver votes. If there are enough of these charitable organizations that literally is buying votes. Basically.

The Koch Brothers are good at one thing and one thing only; political mischief. They are not good at governing, qualifying candidates good at governing, they are not good at policy or putting forth a ballot that will help the USA; hence, the Tea Party and it's diffuse nature and obstruction by extremists in Washington, DC.

The Koch winning candidates use ALEC to govern which we already know at the very least removes States Right by homogenizing legislation. ALEC also has a corporate focus and is adverse to the average citizen.