Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hold dearly to this thought. I sincerely doubt President Obama wants a 'Decision Tree Computer' in his library to justify illegal wars. See how that works for the media.

Reagan invaded Grenada in 1983 because he didn't wanted to 'one upped' by, that woman, Thatcher in 1982 when she invaded The Falkland Islands. These were sissy wars. They killed people while those being invaded were grossly out numbered and completely surprised a Western Power would do such a thing.

Someone needs to explain to me how the Falkland Islands and Grenada were actually national security risks to the Brits or Americans. People had to die for this mess? You've got to be joking. No wonder there are decision tree computer games in the Presidential Libraries; the invasions including Iraq are cruel jokes on the citizens of their respective countries!

I said when Tim Russert died the title "Meet the Press" should have been retired in his honor, I still mean it today.

Gregory's program should be titled, "Free Press Pass for Neocons."