Sunday, March 31, 2013

How do you tame a lion? First. Get it's attention.

Prisons are suppose to be about control and rehabilitation.

There is no control here.

I don't think the wardens are doing their jobs. The policies have to apply to every prison inmate. The prisons have communities of prisoners based on the severity of their sentences. There is no reason for any of this. If the gangs are the focus of the prisoner that connection has to end across the board. The prisoner is endangering everyone in the gang's wake and reach. 

The country will never end this dynamic if it doesn't seek to do so. Divide them up and shut down communication. But, there should be no special privileges unless there is a rehab program that encourages interaction that will serve the inmate after they leave the prison. 

Lifers need to find their interest within the prison. If they continue to have a majority of their time dominated by outside contact they will never settle down.

Inmates should not have self-defeating purpose and that should be their first lesson well learned. Guards are not friends or mentors. Out of the question. Interactions between guards and prisoners have to be limited to the understanding the guards are in control.

A prison sentence is suppose to have meaning, not just endurance.

The community of visitors are not getting on with their lives either. They are holding on to 'something' that no longer exists. Prison walls are not the ideal marriage, okay? Where is the counseling for all the visitors?

Break it up. Break it all up. Control the populations, the rehab and re-entrance to society. No prisoner should leave without a high school equivalency or better. School is work. Get it? How are they going to be citizens worthy of freedom in our society if they continue to propagate bad behaviors while they are incarcerated? What do these wardens expect God to descend and have the Holy Spirit come to bear? That's nuts. No rehab happens by magic tricks or PSYCHE baloney. Rehab is hard work. Time can do that, but, not if the 'time inside' is laced with power on the outside.