Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Ask me what I care. Americans are tired of being shot and killed by the NRA, having their outcomes dictates by bankrupt banks and having their lives destroyed with Climate Crisis storms produced by the petroleum industry.

If fighting for our rights and lives means fighting fire with fire, then so be it. We should all be grateful President Obama is seeking to be the power broker we have not been able to recruit otherwise.

There is a hostile Supreme Court seeking to leverage power over elections. If anything stinks that does. It stinks as a legacy to the corruption of the Republicans and their court appointments to make the USA an oppressed people under the thumb of Wall Street.

I'll be darn a Republican Governor has reversed his PROMISES to the people of Michigan. Wow, is that a surprise, huh?

“Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan (click here) announced a press conference at which he reversed his long held and very publicly held stance against changing union rights in his state. That was at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday. An hour and a half  later, by 12:30 p.m., the Capitol police had shut down the Capitol building so protesters and members of the public could not get in. By 3:15, bills to strip union rights in the state were taken up in both chambers of the state legislature. By 4:00, there was a court order to reopen the state capitol to let the people in again. But before 5:00, before an hour was up, the house had already voted it through. Then before 8:00, the Senate had voted it through as well, and it was done. It was done, all in one day that didn’t even start until an hour before lunch time. all in one day between 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., start to finish. and tomorrow, after a very minor amount of house keeping in the legislature,  Governor Rick Snyder says he is going to sign it. It’s not like this is what the campaign was about. Snyder was against this. This wasn’t what the legislative race was about this year.”...

As if the Republicans has not been ideologues seeking illegitimate money from the very entities that are the enemies of the Middle Class. Michigan has a dictator, when is that going to stop because the voters have already ruled on that!

John Nichols on December 6, 2012 - 6:18 PM ET

In the state where workers sat down in Flint General Motors plants (click here) seventy-five years ago and emboldened the industrial labor movement that would give birth to the American middle class, Republican legislators on Thursday voted to gut basic labor rights. -...

....After Republican leaders announced Thursday morning that they intended to enact so-called “right to work” legislation—which is always better described as “no rights at work” legislation—the Michigan state House voted Thursday afternoon to eliminate basic union organizing and workplace protections that generations of American workers fought to establish. Several hours later, the Michigan state Senate did the same thing, as part of a bold anti-labor initiative launched in coordination with a Koch Brothers–funded Americans for Prosperity project to “pave the way for right to work in states across our nation.”...

I suppose there is another Jack Abramoff waiting in the wings outside the 
Oval Office. I don't think so, because, if there are private entities seeking 
access through a professional political organization there won't be enemies to the Middle Class anymore.

Access works both ways. If others can speak with President Obama he can also speak with them. He can set the record straight and make it clear where they have gone wrong for decades by outsourcing their work and profits. It has been absolutely hideous to watch Wall Street run from country to country to cut costs and find the next CEO bonus. They crashed the global economy in seeking illegitimate profits. 

It is time the Democrats have finally gotten their act together under a President with an agenda to return an economy to the USA to fight poverty and grow a sustainable energy sector without the dangers of dlimate destruction.


...But those contributions will also translate into access, (click here) according to donors courted by the president’s aides. Next month, Organizing for Action will hold a “founders summit” at a hotel near the White House, where donors paying $50,000 each will mingle with Mr. Obama’s former campaign manager, Jim Messina, and Mr. Carson, who previously led the White House Office of Public Engagement.
Giving or raising $500,000 or more puts donors on a national advisory board for Mr. Obama’s group and the privilege of attending quarterly meetings with the president, along with other meetings at the White House. Moreover, the new cash demands on Mr. Obama’s top donors and bundlers come as many of them are angling for appointments to administration jobs or ambassadorships.
“It just smells,” said Bob Edgar, the president of Common Cause, which advocates tighter regulation of campaign money. “The president is setting a very bad model setting up this organization.”
Mr. Obama’s new organization has drawn rebukes in recent days from watchdog groups, which view it as another step away from the tighter campaign regulation Mr. Obama once championed. Over the past two years, he has reversed course on several campaign finance issues, by blessing a super PAC created by former aides and accepting large corporate contributions for his second inauguration....