Friday, February 22, 2013

"...and the President laid out no plan...." ( 00:57 seconds)

The President's No Plan (click here)

...And he's laid out a specific plan to do more. (click here) His proposal resolves the sequester and reduces our deficit by over $4 trillion dollars in a balanced way- by cutting spending, finding savings in entitlement programs and asking the wealthiest to pay their fair share.As a result the deficit would be cut below its historic average and the debt would fall as a share of the economy over the next decade.  Just two months ago Speaker Boehner said there was $800 billion in deficit reduction that could be achieved by only closing loopholes and reducing tax expenditures.  So we know we can get this done. Let’s be clear: the President’s proposal to Speaker Boehner is still on the table. Here it is again....

Today, Moody's downgraded Great Britain's Bonds due to their policy of austerity. One has to wonder how President Obama has accomplished so much with so little growth of the USA national debt. President Obama has depth to most issues. He is amazing in that he is as personable to the average person that he is, but, it probably comes from his ability and passion to preach the Bible to others. He likes making that connection. It is my guess it fulfills him personally and adds to his understanding of his purpose in life. When one sincerely reflects on the extraordinary ability of President Obama, we are very lucky to have him.

To save him from being guilty of sainthood, the graph above is a measure of debt to GDP ratio. Some might see that as a cop-out to the real debt problem, however, I would disagree.

Deficits add to the national debt. By every measure President Obama is not adding to the national debt if he can avoid it. He has managed to do two things here. He has prevented adding to the national debt by PAYING for programs. The Democrats have called it "Pay Go." President Obama has demanded payment for any spending whenever possible.

Additionally, the spending has paid off. While President Obama and the Democrats have instituted Pay Go wherever they can, the spending has actually improved the economy. We know the economy is better. It is fairly obvious. He managed to pay for all kinds of incentives to increase the household budgets of Americans. In return, those monies were returned to the economy and the economy expanded. The expansion of the economy is noted in the GDP.

So, a couple of things contributed to the graph above. There was 'paid spending' whenever possible AND the GDP increased. The results are exponential. The spending reduced over time and the GDP increased during that same time frame, hence, the very good news in the graph above. 

If the Republicans can't find the beauty in President Obama's economics then maybe they can at least find his plan and stop lying. What is really scary is that the Republicans actually believe their lies. So, they didn't even bother to look, just accuse. POLITICS. The Rhetorical Republicans practice politics not 'what is the word?' Come on, what is the word? 

There ya go.


The Rhetorical Republicans practice politics and not governing. This is more proof and if this continues it will be conclusive proof there is no reason to return them to office as they have violated in very blatant ways, The Public Trust.