Wednesday, February 27, 2013

His family was held in secondary detention. Isn't that enough to know?

I sincerely believe it is racial profiling. I think LAX detention records need to be audited as to the frequency of their detentions and whom exactly they are detaining and if their are people refused entrance regardless of their Visas.

Everyone who travels knows the clock in detention starts before the authorities record a time in a record book. 

5:28 pm: Burnat was referred to secondary inspection (click here)
5:30 pm: Burnat was admitted to secondary inspection
5:53 pm: Burnat was released from secondary inspection

It is very scary to face those circumstances. Emad Burnat's family was detained while they held they had valid documents. It is nobody's business whether he was attending the Oscars or not attending the Oscars. The issue of the Oscars came into play because he was detained not because he was looking for fans.

So, the fact the Emad Burnat Family was detained while having valid documentation is enough. I am confident, considering the quality of his life and the oppression he and his family live under, any authority presenting themselves as some to contend with is more than frightening. He child was with him, there isn't anything else to understand. He and his family were treated less than appropriately. 

They arrived in the USA after going through all kinds of check points, what was the problem? He wasn't getting on another plane. He was not on "The No Fly List." What the heck when on that even resulted in the detaining of three people at LAX.

I have left and returned from this country and the only problem I ever ran into was the fact I had pumice rocks in my carry on. All six of them. Believe me I never did it again. It is easier and better to ship them than carry them. But, that is the only problem I had and that was because I was getting on another plane after arriving from Iceland.

What is LAX doing detaining people that have traveled that far?

Buzzfed needs to apologize to the Emad Burnat Family. Just that simple. He did nothing wrong, but, everyone including Buzzfeed seems determined to make the family's experience in the USA the worst episode of their lives.

LAX needs to apologize as well.