Friday, January 25, 2013

The steeple is over the top in a war zone. Give me a break.

Quite frankly it looks like a ready target. I don't really care what it took to have it removed. A Chapel is for the practice of any religion. Everyone needs to get over it. The Chapel hasn't gone anyway. Complaints about the removal of it are stupid. Wah, wah, wah, wah; the trials and tribulations of the Christian; they never end. I thought Christians had saints that make appearances, so pray for one. Maybe that is just the Catholics. I am sure it will be notable to everyone.
U.S. military commanders (click here) in Afghanistan on Thursday ordered the removal of a steeple and crucifix erected over a remote American base in the Muslim country after a soldier deployed there noted that the symbols violated Army regulations, and could reinforce suspicions that the United States is fighting a holy war.
It is unclear how long ago the Christian symbols at the chapel at Forward Operating Base Orgun-E had been in place. In terms of religious displays, they are hardly ostentatious — a cross on a small rooftop steeple and cross-shaped windows in the doors. But Sgt. Joel Muhlnickel was alarmed by the symbolism at Orgun-E, especially the cross that rises up over the rooftops at the base....