Saturday, January 12, 2013

I is astounding what we do not know about physics.

I believe what we do know is that Earth exists with biotic life at this distance from an amazing new reality. It give me sound reason to completely value the magnificent planet I live on.

Fabulous discovery.

Biggest Thing in Universe Found—Defies Scientific Theory (click here)

Quasar cluster is "challenge to our current understanding," astronomer says.

Andrew Fazekas
National Geographic News
Published January 11, 2013

Talk about a whopper—astronomers have discovered a structure in the universeso large that modern cosmological theory says it should not exist, a new study says. (Also see "Giant 'Blob' Is Largest Thing in Universe [2006].")
Using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, an international team of researchers has discovered a record-breaking cluster of quasars—young active galaxies—stretching 4 billion light-years across.
"This discovery was very much a surprise, since it does break the cosmological record as the largest structure in the known universe," said study leader Roger Clowes, an astronomer at University of Central Lancashire in England.
For comparison, our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is just a hundred thousand light-years across, while the local supercluster of galaxies in which it's located, the Virgo Cluster, is only a hundred million light-years wide.
Giant Quasar a Head-Scratcher...