Monday, October 15, 2012

Republicans want a return to war. Everything Graham states here is rhetoric for election purposes.

When Republicans state President Obama is leading from behind they are stating, "We are not engaged in war and leading the conflict." We all know where this got us in Iraq. Conveniently, Graham forgets all that. Graham believes the USA is entitled to engage any country anywhere 'for the sake of national security.' 


There are many countries involved with Libya, many of them are allies from Europe. Graham is war mongering to win elections. There is no basis of fact in anything he says. Does FOX challenge his statements to bring him back to FACTS. No. FOX leads from behind and allows Graham to grandstand rather than being a Martha Raddaz with experience and knowledge to pin point facts and force a focus on it.

FOX is a propaganda network and anyone can interview Senators and Congressmen so long as there is no reality checks for them.

The USA has enough 'mission creep' already; there are two USA ships off the coast of Libya.