Monday, September 10, 2012

Mitt Romney is not qualified for President of the USA. He simply is not.

And Congressman Ryan is not qualified to be Vice President.

If a candidate for the highest office in our government cannot conduct an honest and truthful campaign while relying on OPPRESSION of certain classes of Americans in their ability to vote, there is no way. 

The immorality of seeking to lie along with a 'blogger with an idea' and then extrapolating on it to actually give it credence while ignoring the USA Constitution is simply outrageous.

In the case of Ohio military, they are a citizen of that state. They should be voting with the other citizens of Ohio. That means if Ohio military need Monday before the election to poll their ballots, then every other Ohioan has to be offered the same decency.

I do not understand how any American can admire a candidate for President seeking lies and oppression as a way to win the election.

I am more than surprised this is even tolerated. This is freedom of speech? This is yelling fire in a crowded theater.