Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ryan as the Vice Presidential by Romney is a solid endorsement for Wall Street over Main Street.

The Ryan Plan for Medicare would destroy the program accepting all the elderly and providing care.

The elderly with health problems would be left adrift when the Medicare Program failed after all the cream was skimmed off the top by the insurance industry.

...—and replace it with a scheme in which beneficiaries would be given “premium support” to help them buy coverage on the private market. Yes, the traditional Medicare program would continue to be a choice under the 2012 version of Ryan’s plan, but it would have to compete with private insurance companies. And because, under Ryan's plan, insurers would be able to cherry-pick the healthiest seniors, the traditional Medicare program would likely be unable to survive over the long haul. Perhaps it should come as no surprise that Ryan's wife is a former lobbyist for the health insurance industry....

One has to wonder what drew Romney to Ryan and why a sour pick to win the election was so important. The Romneys have to feel a gratitude to some extent to Mrs. Ryan, a former health insurance industry lobbyist.

The Paul Ryan attack on Medicare was fostered by his wife. Ryan is not the boy genius everyone wants to believe. The GOP threw in with Ryan's wife, not Ryan. Tell me they didn't know.

...The Affordable Care Act outlaws many of the most egregious practices of the insurance, such as refusing to sell coverage to people with preexisting conditions and charging older people many times more than what they charge younger people for the same coverage. Ryan proposes not only to privatize Medicare but also to scrap those consumer protections, by repealing the reform law....

Romney's choice of Ryan is about raising campaign funds too, but, they sincerely want to scrap the Affordable Care Act and throw everyone back to the old paradigm of being UNINSURABLE and without health care. The focus on Ryan's Medicare plans has to include the fact the Affordable Care Act will be eliminated from the American landscape. It isn't just Medicare Reform it is a return to the lack of substantial change to insure the nation while funneling government monies to Wall Street. It is the worst of all worlds. 

The answer for Medicare exists, but, it isn't with the idea that it can be privatized with premium support. It is ridiculous. The Ryan Plan for Medicare is the plan that destroys equity for the nation against the profits of Wall Street. The profits of Wall Street are exorbitant, can the American citizen say they are better off because of it?

...Mitt Romney is trying to muddy the issue. On the day he announced Ryan as his running mate, Romney accused President Obama of using the reform law to cut $700 billion from the Medicare program. That’s not true. In reality, that figure is what the Congressional Budget Office estimates will be saved over the next several years as a result of changes in the way Medicare pays doctors, hospitals and drug companies—changes that doctors, hospitals and drug companies endorsed....