Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mitt Romney opened this subject and there is absolutely no reason to villian of any woman commentator.

The FACTS are completely clear, Ann Romney has lived a life as a wife and homemaker along with being an adjunct to her husband's aspirations.

I think that rounds out the description of her career option nicely.

As per Ann's role with Mitt, he referred to her as the expert at his side on woman's issues and tried to have a spin into the economic doldrums of the country with an adjective of WOMEN in front of this.

The fact is that Ann Romney is no more an expert on the economic dilemma's of the Working Class, Middle Class, Lower Class, Poor or any other CLASS the Upper Class can think of than the moon is made of green cheese.

Some women would envy her position and believe it or not there are those of us that DO NOT.

The fact of the matter is Mitt Romney is a Male Chauvinist and there is absolutely no doubt what so ever about that. He deferred any expertise regarding women to his adjunct in life, his wife. That is the epitome of Chauvanism at its pinnacle. 

Additionally, somehow the 'stay at home Mom' is coined as the 'ULTIMATE WOMAN.' HELLO? When are men and women in the USA going to lose that guilt trip? HUH?

Ann Romney was a 'stay at home, Mom." Whoopee. A woman that contributes to the economic stability and wealth of her family does ALL the balancing acts as Mrs. Romney and more. Women in a career or a job can hold their heads high in the ability to act in more than a role of child rearing and housekeeping and volunteer at the local benevolence enterprise in town.

Women that add to the economic stability and wealth of their families through a career or a job should be highly esteemed in a society that CHRONICALLY discriminates against them. 

Why was the Lilly Ledbetter Act even necessary and why wasn't it achieved until President Obama entered office? 

The economic ANALYSIS of women is not the only deception Mitt Romney is engaged with either. At the beginning of this recession in 2007 the downturn in housing was significant and the GOP did NOTHING while Paulson roamed China on the government's dollar.
The impact at the beginning of the 2008 Great Recession removed large numbers of men from the job market. The construction sector crashed big time and housing sales stagnated. So, Mitt needs to look for FACTS and not SPIN, but, in any of his public addressed all I have heard is political propaganda and not much else. 

Ann and Mitt are welcome to be Ann and Mitt, but, in relating to me and my peers they can forget about it on nearly every venue of life!

Working Women should never be demonized and those that uphold that reality in their female commentary should never be villianized!

As far as pity for her physical trials, then she can walk a mile, because I too am a breast cancer survivor and suffer from a chronic illness. GET OVER IT !

And I raised two wonderful sons ALONE.