Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lewis Libby laying the ground work for Islamophobia in Egypt.

The last time such a PR campaign was waged even an Ambassador and CIA agent couldn't stop it. 

The beginnings of the impetus compliments of Lewis Libby, Dick Cheney's former Assistant; now at the Hudson Institute:

...Similarly (click here) the present success also vindicated the instrument Banna had created to pursue this method -- to wit the Society of the Muslim Brothers -- and its mode of organization and operation. The latter was distinguished by the careful hierarchical organization of its various sub- groups and the strict discipline exercised by the Supreme Guide and its Bureau of Guidance. This had enabled it to pursue its mission productively through many long years, including periods when it was subject to extreme oppression. No other group of Muslims, however pious and however devoted they might be to the general goal of the Brotherhood, was like it in style or accomplishments.

All of these things -- mission, method and organization -- were as Shater put it "constants" and not "variables" and not subject to change. Nor did they ever need to be, since they were derived from the highest and most successful model ever -- that of the prophet Muhammad, his companions and successors. Following this model, the Brotherhood had created individual members who were "a walking Qur'an; whose faith, worship, manners, relationships, behavior, thoughts and emotions were identical to the Islam that Muhammad received from God Almighty."

So too had it adhered to the guidance of Omar bin Al-Khattab, the second caliph, who had stated that "there is no religion without a Society, no Society without an Imam and no Imam without obedience." On this basis, Shater observed, Omar had been the architect of the greatest of the early Muslim conquests and the global Islamic state which had endured for a 1000 years. Brotherhood organization and discipline had followed this model....

Does the fear mongering ever stop? The fact Egypt is having a change in government that actually resembles a democratic process doesn't mean they are automatically an enemy of the USA or Israel. It does however mean Egypt needs friends and alliances such as the Arab League and the USA. Israel and the USA were always friends and allies to most of the countries in the Middle East. The people were always our foreign policy focus. The USA did not approve or foster corruption and always spoke truth to the power within the countries of the Middle East. It is the war in Iraq that raised the suspicions of the USA in any venue, except, for our most ardent allies.

I find Mr. Libby's writings with a co-author Hillel Fradkin rather disturbed and not well researched. There is no basis, even in this document, to suspect Egypt is going to be an enemy so much as a growing democracy in need of stable alliances. I believe this writing is uncalled for and uses inflammatory language no one needs including the diplomatic channels of the USA which has to ward off the shadow of the former administration which Mr. Libby as a part.

This is a very unfortunate focus for people claiming to be scholars.