Wednesday, January 04, 2012

It is about time the Ecuadorians received justice. Chevron's $11.5 bn pound is equal to approximately $18 bn US.

The current judgement against Chevron is comparable to the $20 billion for the Gulf Coast of the USA.  It isn't just BP, it is all of them in some manner or another.  What Ecuador and the rest of the global community where oil and gas are drilled needs to learn is the 'land leases' have to include automatic liability of any trace of damage.  100% liability for any damage done.  In Ecuador there was wide spread cancers and birth defects as well as ecosystem destruction.  When is human society going to stop using carbon based fuels?  It is possible.  E85 is produced in abundance in Brazil.  

An Ecuadorean (click title to entry - thank you) appeals court has upheld a ruling that Chevron should pay damages totalling $18.2bn (£11.5bn) over Amazon oil pollution.

4 January 2012 Last updated at 01:51 ET

Chevron said the judgement was "illegitimate" and "a fraud".
Texaco, which merged with Chevron in 2001, was accused of dumping toxic materials in the Ecuadorean Amazon.
The original ruling ordered Chevron to pay $8.6bn in damages, which was more than doubled after the company failed to make a public apology.
"We ratify the ruling of February 14 2011 in all its parts, including the sentence for moral reparation," the court in the Amazonian city of Lago Agrio said in its ruling, according to Reuters....