Friday, January 06, 2012

I am disgusted with Santorum's sex fixation. (click title for video - thank you)

Santorum Discusses Gay Marriage In NH
POSTED: 6:40 pm EST January 5, 2012
UPDATED: 6:46 pm EST January 5, 2012

Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum engages in a discussion of gay marriage with an audience member in New Hampshire. 

I suggest Mr. Sanatorium is building an intolerance to immorality with his fixation on sex, due to the fact Romney is a Mormon.  

When I said Santorum was a religious bigot, I meant he is a religious bigot.  He may be a racial bigot as well, but, this guy likes to terrorize the electorate to believe he can prevent immorality at all levels of 'thought.

By aligning homosexuality with polygamy, he further drives home the point everyone has a lot to fear of the Gay Community in the USA.  It is a fear tactic and it is directly leveled at Romney.  Polygamy is illegal in the USA.  It is illegal in Utah, yet Santorum would have everyone believe we cannot be saved from these demons of polygamists.  

There is a method to his madness and it is to instill fear, if not into young minds, into their parents!  It is an election tactic.

Even if a person is bisexual or heterosexual and wants a harum, they can't.  It isn't legal.  There is no way Santorum can stop consentual sex in the USA.  His 'perfect world' is unattainable and unwanted in the USA and he needs to get his mind around that reality!

Inmost countries, (click here) bigamy is illegal. However, in some countries - including America and Canada - the practice of polygamy is tolerated largely because
  • it is done as a religious practice (and thus involves issues of religious freedom), and
  • the people involved do not actually marry before the law. Rather, a man will legally marry one woman, and 'marry' additional wives in what they consider to be a 'spiritual' sense
Members of the polygamous Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) - theologically, a cult of Mormonism (which itself is, theologically, a cult of Christianity) - use the latter approach to then obtain social security benefits, in a practice they refer to as "bleeding the beast."

[T]he American taxpayer pays for much of this lifestyle. Recent records show in one year residents here collected more than $8-million from social services — including food stamps, welfare, health care — but the entire town paid less than $100,000 in income taxes.
"They are told to go on welfare," Jessop said. "It's called, "bleeding the beast." They find it amusing that Satan is supporting God's work."
- Source: One Woman's Crusade, ABC News, Mar. 4, 2004 (Ah, yes, a Bush election year.)...