Friday, November 11, 2011

This is insane. There were duplicate case files. No prosecuting attorney would rely on electric documents for prosecution.

This has the appearance of an unsophisticated murderer.  This is way out of line, but, students frequently maintain all their files on their laptop.  The files are usually an ongoing work in composition.

This is crazy.  Whoever did this didn't think through the fact there would be other prosecuting attornies to follow Mr. Gricar.  Why would anyone believe, regardless of the source of revenge or hate, all their troubles would stop with this man's disappearance?  I suppose that is the way criminals think, that they have control over their crimes, but, this is outrageous.  A professional anyone, attorney or otherwise, does not use their laptop to safeguard their files.  Commonly professionals use laptops to access files from a distant location or to add information to those files stored elsewhere. 

Someone actually copied the hard drive?  The office of this District Attorney would have records of all the cases Mr. Gricar had prosecuted and all the cases he was working on, to believe the current and past District Attorneys don't know where to begin to look only adds to the lack of sophistication of the criminal who did this.  This pedophilia gets scarier by the day.  The lack of priorities within Penn State is the scariest of all. 

...When an investigation(click title for New York Times article - thank you) first started in 2005 over allegations that Jerry Sandusky was engaging in sexual acts with young boys, district attorney Ray Gricar was working on getting to the bottom of things, disregarding Sandusky's position at Penn State and in the community. Unfortunately in April of that same year, Gricar went missing....