Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Senator Lindsay Graham, in questioning Attorney General Holder on Gitmo, appears to be near fainting.

Is Graham okay?  His eyes rolled back in his head far enough to believe there was something sincerely wrong with his ability to question the issue of Gitmo.

If indeed, Graham was not under stress enough to cause him health issues, he asked AG Holder to reconsider the administration policy to closing Gitmo.

What Graham stated (my words, not his) is that in the nation's longest wars since September 11, 2001 there are no adequate prison facilities FOR THE WORLD'S MOST DANGEROUS CRIMINALS in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The history of the USA on prisons and prisoners in Iraq is hardly admirable.  GITMO and its torture standards under the previous administration aligns with those antics.  GITMO, under President Obama, is considered a humane facility, but, to expect the USA to 'house' international criminals from other sovereign nations is simply outrageous. 
GITMO has an extremely tainted past.  It needs to be closed to prevent a repeat of the Human Rights and the breaking of the Geneva Accords.  The CORRECT method for any sovereign nation to house the Most Dangerous Criminals in the World is to seek trials of these human beings through the World Courts where they can be housed for trial.