Sunday, November 27, 2011

Perhaps the Russians need to ride with the USA to Mars. (click title for video - thank you)

This is a dune on Mars.  It shifts over time.  The dunes of Earth do as well.  The Sahara is an example.  The waves in the dune show a constant pattern of air movement.  The dynamic screams of atmosphere.

...If the new sky crane system does succeed in lowering Curiosity into Gale crater, the rover will begin its mission: to seek clues for habitability in the ancient, watery environments of Mars. Mike Malin, the planet's favourite camerama, or at least its most dedicated, will be watching it all unfold....
Odd looking rocket, but, better than the Shuttle.  It is similar to the Apollo program rockets.  Morally, there are always many questions surrounding all this.  But, one thing is sure, the rest of the world stood in silence the day Neil Armstrong took his first step on the moon.  If there is to be a manned space program to Mars it needs to be an international effort and not just the USA.  These massive accomplishments do not belong to one peoples, they belong to all.  There is a question about the state of humanity to leave Earth.  It should be a dynamic all countries have an interest in for its success.  We do not discuss the morality of space travel nearly enough and we should.  Somehow this is all viewed as a dream come true, Buck Rogers and all that imagineering.  It is more than that.