Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I remember the peace demonstrations to end the Iraq war under Bush/Cheney.

I suppose to most community leaders their tactics in handling demonstrators seem mild compared to the bravery it took to face down tanks and march with sharp shooters on rooftops.

The Occupy Movement Can't Be Sprayed Away (Click title to entry - thank you)

Pepper spray can’t be washed off with water. The intense burning it causes — the stinging, the redness, the swelling, the coughing and gagging and gasping — will only subside with time, usually several hours. It can cause tissue damage and respiratory attacks. A study of its most commonly prescribed remedies found that none of them work. It has been prohibited in war by the Chemical Weapons Convention, so our enemies don’t have to experience it on the battlefield. If only our citizens were so lucky....

Thank you Ms. vanden Heuvel.