Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Buddy Romer has a good message. I believe he should pursue his "Unity Party"

He has better than average credentials, but, I have complaints.

To begin, it is typical in the history of the country to have qualified people come forward to capture the fervor of the nation's unrest.  Mr. Roemer is not an opportunist, he is typical of an American.

Louisiana has an abysmal environmental record, especially with the petroleum industry.  The problems it faces due to offshore drilling is its own making.  No one in government bothered to realize the extent the petroleum industry was causing poverty among the citizens that call themselves independent contractors.  It is a joke to realize some of these companies advertise how much they pour back into the US economy.  Their pouring is far less than it should be on a per capita basis.

The environmental record of Louisiana and its inability and or unwillingness to address problems such as Carbon Dioxide emissions, opting instead to allow the undermining of the land to cause the sinking of New Orleans is only the beginning.  When the Army Corp was stating the wetlands needed to be restored, everyone ignored it and Katrina killed over 1000 people.  That is not easily erased as a track record.

While I believe the Former Governor and House Representative is a dedicated to making a difference as he says, as decent a man as one can find and wants to sincerely make a difference in the lives of all Americans, there are aspects to his experience that wants.  It would also be wise to set aside the social tug of war the country is experiencing.  The nation needs a leader that isn't interested in settling scores between separatists with a political platform, but, one interested in balancing the scales of income equality and moving the nation forward.

I wish him a great deal of luck and success.  Regardless of his 2012 outcome, he needs to continue seeking the higher ground of "The Unity Party."