Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I have a computer. It is custom made for me.

I paid $1400 for the tower initially without any peripherals and about every six months to a year I take it back to the 'custom shop' for a tune up.  They run the programs, keep it clean and install any upgrades I may need or would like without paying for an entire unit.

The components in the computer are manufactured, but, the machine is custom assembled and serviced.  It has been years since I first spent that $1400 and I would have purchased at least two other towers in that time.  It has cost me less in all these years and I have had state of the art components and hassle free internet access the entire time.

Moral of the story:  "BREAK IT DOWN" and go to work.

A person doesn't have to design and make the dress for their dress shop themselves, they can 'home manufacture' through a friends network dedicated to whatever quality the consumer base is demanding.  We already know the 'designer certification' that will be on it.