Saturday, September 03, 2011

Conservationists muster their resources and do the right thing. We are all too used to it.

What I don't understand is why would this administration go through the cost of litigation when they are going to loss the argument in the first place.  We should have done this with Bush.

It is on the radar now.  

Everyone in the MORAL community knows the drill all too well.  And what is really interesting, the Environmental Defense Action Fund reminded me; these announcements are always, always made when it might slip by.  I never thought President Obama would resort to GOP tactics against this community.  I guess the coaching must have been among those that try to be the slickest.  It must be in Speaker Boner's playbook handed down over generations of polluters and human rights violators.

Obama, Ozone, and Political Horse-Trading (click title to entry - thank you)
September 3, 2011
By Dominique Browning 
President Obama has just announced a controversial decision  (because we're all paying close attention over the Labor Day weekend, of course) not to raise the ozone standards for air pollution–in spite of pressure from environmentalists and his own head of EPA, Lisa Jackson. He is responding, instead, to requests from House Speaker John Boehner, as well as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; opposition to the regulation was focused on the expense  to businesses of meeting it, which they claimed was somewhere in the range of $20 to $90 billion annually….


The stake-holders will be numerous, the American Lung Association among them.

Obama is playing footsey with the "W"rong folks.  Does he actually think Boner and the US Chamber of Commerce deal it straight?  Does he actually believe they are friends to the American people?  NOT.  At all.  His idea of bipartisanship is poorly thought out.  If this is a shadow of his jobs proposal then he doesn't have one.  I don't know whom is advising him, but, it is too desperate for my palate.