Friday, April 08, 2011

What I can't understand is why Republicans are against The Affordable Care Act.

...Rep. Ryan’s budget proposal (click title to entry - thank you) would radically reshape both the Medicare and Medicaid programs. It would turn Medicaid into a block grant, which would give states more discretion over benefits and eligibility. And it would radically redesign Medicare, changing it from what is essentially a government-run, single-payer health plan to one in which people would choose coverage from competing private insurance firms, many of them for-profit....

According to Ryan, Medicare recipiants would be 'dumped off' at the State Insurance Pools, once they go into effect in 2014. 

The electorate has to remember, the Republicans were against it until they were for it.  While they openly state they are opposed to what is coined as "Obama Care," (which I would think could be understood as Obama Cares, but who am I to criticize Regressives) they restructure their approval as it appears in Ryan's proposal.  In other words, they know the insurance companies love the Affordable Care Act because it requires all Americans to be insured.  So, the Republicans simply go about trying to syphon more monies off the government and put it in the nads of their cronies.

The Ryan Proposal is a dangerous one and one the electorate should take seriously in realizing how their reality can change overnight in the hands of manipulators such as Ryan and those that stand with him.  It is my guess Ryan had 'interesting' help in crafting this disaster to the people of the country.

One has to realize, the Republicans CHRONICALLY focus on Medicare.  Bush did after being re-elected in 2004 and now Ryan and his party.  Why?  Why would that be the case?

It is easy for Republcans to come up with plans to scalp Americans, they are written by their Wall Street buddies.

In actuality, this level of corruption validates the need for a single payer system without a doubt.  That is what Americans are competing against.  They either decide to have a single payer and rid themselves of the corporate corruption of Wall Street in their health care system OR they continue to be 'watch dogs' for their own well being day after day.  Sooner or later that decision needs to be made.  It is EXPENSIVE to continually 'police' Wall Street, so why do it?  Rid the health care system of corporate corruption and instill Single Payer.  We already have it for Seniors and we know it works.  Give the "Dividends and Bonuses" to the American public for a change.