Tuesday, April 05, 2011

The Bush Tax Cuts and Ryan's $4 trillion debt plan is REDISTRIBUTION of wealth to the wealthiest.

I have stated over and over and over, for the USA economy to work it needs a strong Middle Class.  Over the past decade The Bush Tax Cuts and job outsourcing have cost the nation the 'wealth of its Middle Class and starve the beast takes on a whole new meaning with Ryan's $4 Tillion debt reducion scheme.

What is Wealth? (click here)

Question: How is wealth different than income? What is wealth?

Answers: Wealth is private assets minus liabilities (debt). Simply put, wealth is what you own minus what you owe. Income is your paycheck or government benefit check or dividend check, or
your profit from selling an investment. Wealth is what you have in the bank and the property
you own.

Question: Is it possible to have negative wealth?

Answer: Yes. Seventeen percent of the population in 2004 have no assets or they have negative assets: they owe more than they own.

Question: What are examples of assets that lower-income people might have?

Answer: Cash (savings or checking account), furniture, a car.

Question: What are examples of assets owned by middle-income people?

Answer: Cash (savings or checking account), equity in a house, a small business, a little bit of stock and/or a retirement fund.

Question: What are examples of assets owned by the top one percent?

Answer: Real estate, large stock and bond holdings, businesses, paintings and other collectibles.

401K or 401B is NOT 'large' stock and bond holdins.  LARGE stock holdings is someone like Bill Gates that OWN the majority of stock of Microstoft.

The way 'wealth' is discussed in the American media is incorrect.  Middle Class wealth is not discussed enough in its proper perspective.  ONLY the 'achievement' to being 'Super Rich' is considered a worthy discussion of wealth in the American media.  The luxury of owning a home without a second mortgage is an accomplishment that is not valued enough.  The way homeownership is discussed in the American media is the understanding 'the equity' of owning a home can be 'redistributed' to 'icons' of the super-rich through refinancing. 

"W"rong.  Owning a home and owning a home without a mortgage is SINCERE security to the Middle Class.  Owning a home without a mortgage and not having debt is more than security it is 'esteemed' well being.  A homeowner without a mortgage begins to appreciate the payment of property taxes and how their 'local' contribution to 'community' makes a better quality of life for all.  When a community reaches 'stages' of 'security' in education and social well being for all its residents, huge shifts in 'well being' including the reduction of crime and well being of 'status' takes hold and 'life' is valued for its COMFORT and longevity.

There are dearly few 'measures' of 'community development' that measure not only 'social development and well being,' but, community security and status.  A community has status when it has all the necessary 'needs' of its citizens developed and in a stage of 'maintenace.'  At the point where a community is simply 'maintained' the property taxes are stable and predictable to the needs of the community.  A 'growing' community has much higher needs and instability than a community that is well established.  When communities are in 'constant' flux due to rising and falling economic windows the 'stable community' is then under threat.

Community stability is vital to quality education and economic viability.

Communities can be 'dysfunctional' as well.  Where annexation or chronic real estage development substitutes for 'sound fiscal' policy the dysfunction places the community at risk for failure, instability, lower quality of services and reduced capacity to absorb economic shifts. 

The way wealth for the Middle Class is accumulated is directly related to well being.  When the Middle Class is chronically excoriated for incomes and 'growth' of the wealthy, which occurs when 'financing' of assets take replace, the Middle Class sacrifices  'equity stability' and 'economic security.'  When the Middle Class of a community has diminished 'wealth' their community suffers including the services it supplies including police on the street and education.
Middle Class wealth is the most important aspect of a healthy USA economy.  The purchasing power of the Middle Class when it is stable and thriving is by far the greatest national security the USA can enjoy.