Tuesday, April 05, 2011

The Virtual Government Shutdown, let's talk about it until Friday.

"Hello, hello, my neighbor is building a bomb in his garage."

Bring the troops home.  If the bizarre Republican House Budget causes a shut down of government funding on Friday, the troops should come home.

...With an agreement (click title to entry - thank you) still far from reached, the White House Office of Management and Budget said agencies were preparing to close their doors even as leaders from both parties worked to keep that from being necessary....

Regressives don't know how to govern, they only know how to "Circle the Wagons."

...Government shutdowns can hurt businesses (click here) in many ways.  They can affect not only employers’ revenues, but also cause cash flow problems.  Furthermore, any missteps on employee pay during a cash crunch could bring lawsuits, bad morale, and poor public relations.  In the past, federal contractors ultimately were paid for the days not worked because of a shutdown.  The discussion in the nation’s capital these days, however, is that the next time may be different. 

Prepare now for the possibility of a government shutdown....

...Issues to Consider

Use of PTO....

...In Maryland and Washington, D.C., for example, accrued, unused vacation or PTO is considered “wages” under state wage payment laws.  Therefore, a company’s ability to “change the rules” regarding leave after the leave has accrued is restricted.... 

The Regressives haven't 'felt' a government shutdown before, so they want to have the experience before they go home to their constituents.

The Federal Government funds the FBI and CIA.  Things should be interesting for awhile.