Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Moving on...

...there is a shouting match going on between Murdoch's media and MSNBC.  It requires some clairty. 

The shouting match is because Beck, in all his ill conceived wisdom, stated the 'signs' of the 'end of the world' as in the Book of Revelations of the Christian bible includes some of the 'activities of humans and nature' at this time of a very active news cycle.

There are a couple areas of clarification needed.  Direly needed.

Murdoch's media is bigoted.  It is just that simple. They are known to hate other religions, their favorite is the Abrahamic faith of Islam with its prophet Mohammad.  Just to be on the record the other two Abramhamic faiths are Judaism with it's prophit Abraham (although he isn't really considered a prophet per se) and Christianity with it's prophet Jesus Christ (whom is considered to be the son of God.  "God made man.").

But the problem with Beck's bigotry and the offense taken by MSNBC over the exploitation of the words of the Book of Revelation is that Murdoch's media does not allow 'viewing' faith as a 'diversity' paradigm.  That is what is lacking.  In the last month or so it has gotten better, a bit, at least in the news reporting end of Murdoch's media as the 'Radical Islamic" trials of the House are being conducted, but, when it comes to the Murdoch commentators nothing has changed there.  They still adhere to a dominant view of Christianity as the only faith that matters. 

Beck will defend 'the image' of Israel as some kind of 'virginal ideology' when in fact Israel's IDF, while necessary, is not as pure as the driven snow.  But, he does that to osracize the 'image' of a Democratic Party allied with Israel.  See, only Republicans are capable of providing Israel with good defense.  NOT.

At any rate, the offense surrounding the Book of Revelations is about accepting DIVERSITY.  Beck and most of his peers do not accept diversity, but, only marginally.  So, when Beck is ranting about how PEOPLE ON THE LEFT are being Anti-God and an entire network, namely MSNBC is being Anti-God, that simply isn't the case.

What most news organizations seek to provide is equity to all faiths while showcasing the 'best' of the religion leaving the negative connotations to crime where it belongs.  I doubt the Pope would view any violence as something the Roman Catholic faith would embrace.  Quite the contrary, it is just the opposite which leaves all acts of violence and aggression as crimes.  It is why the 'inference' of the coalition as Crusaders is simply bizarre.  No one is crusading in the Middle East.  I am confident these actions by the United Nation Coalition is to save lives and nothing else.

So.  With that, DIVERSITY is a matter of recognizing all religions, their practices, their particpants AND it also recognizes those that do not adhere to any formal, recognized faith.  Most news agencies do a very good job at presenting diversity and never once is it ever viewed as Anti-God.  That entire 'anti-god' mess is simply bizarre.

I'll tell you a true story.

My family has always been very devoted Roman Catholics.  Some more than others.  The younger generations have problems with 'anti-woman' views of the Pope regarding birth control and demanding Cathoics running for office to be ANTI-DIVERSITY in regard to abortion, but, there are some interesting folks 'of the fatih' that swing through family gatherings from time to time.  Namely, Priests of which there are none in the 'relatives' that participate and Nuns of which there are an occassional relative that visits from time to time.

So, it was Chirstmas.  I was fairly newly married.  There was a big family celebration in Dearborn, Michigan on my distaff side, so 'as a couple' we decided to attend.  Some of the family was at the wedding, but, many weren't and we wanted to touch bases with as many as we could.  I have a large family.  Irish American on my mother's side.

Not unusal there was a member of the clergy invited, a young local Priest, to enjoy a good meal and fellowship.  After dinner, while mingling, I approached him.  We engaged in conversation about the Bible.  He didn't mind.  He liked imparting his knowledge from seminary school.

I asked him about the 'fire and brimstone' of the Book of Revelations.  This was a Roman Catholic Priest well graduated from Seminary.  He stated, "The Book of Revelations was a dream of John.  It was a way of commuicating some of the more poorer 'states of being' of humans.  It is not a Book of Prophecy.  It is a book of lessions about the extremes the human mind can take 'the human experience' on Earth.  It is a place to reference human events that occur and place it in a framework recognized by the Apostles of Jesus Christ.  It is not a place to conduct fear or fantasy."

I thanked him and we toasted the upcoming New Year.

The YEAR of that conversation took place was 1976.

When 'literatism' takes over the discussion of any interpretation of the Holy Book, called the Bible by Christians, it is not about PURE VALUES.  It is about ignorance and self-righteous behavior.

Here again, DIVERSITY comes to mind as 'literalism' exists, but, it is my opinion, based in the words of a well educated Roman Catholic Priest; that it is a BUNCH  OF  BUNK. 

Fear Mongerers carry on as you will.  Count me out.