Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Libya is not our war...

...it is a humantarian mission to stop a dictator determined to destroy his own people.  The only defeat that can occur with this engagement by NATO; I remind France was the first strike force over Libya; is if more Libyans die at the hand of Gaddafi.  That is the only failure and defeat that can occur.

His air defenses have been destroyed with incredible precision and expediency.  His planes are grounded or shot down.  His tanks are attacked and grossly diminished in number and effectiveness.  It is a huge victory for NATO.  The USA has every reason to consider the beginning of the mission secured and sovereign. 

Libya is not longer a sovereign state with a single leadership.  It is now a possession of the United Nations Security Council. 

Resolution 1973 is a success, has saved lives, is allowing the Libyan people freedom for the first time in their history allowing them the right to organize a democracy and build a new government.

There is no failure, there is no defeat, and there is no ability for Libya to be a threat to the region.  Libya was not only contained in its ability to kill its own citizens, it is contained to increase instability in the region.