Saturday, March 26, 2011

Donald Trump Talks About Birthers - The View

The fact Trump is showing his bigoted side isn't the issue.  The question should be "Why would Donald Trump solicit Right Wing extremists on "The View?"  The Republican Trump card prides himself on everything possible.  I have no doubt Trump set his 'PRIMARY' team on discovering identities of every 'faction' of the Republican Party.  Most are extremists of one type or another, so the conclusion is "soft target" Republican women that give birth to 'real Americans.'
Elizabeth Hasselbeck is a good model for Trumps 'girly' image and a favorate among wholesomeness as a Republican woman.  What could be better? 
There is a far better way of 'attracting' the extremists of the Republican Party called Birthers, but, that would risk looking weak in that it would resemble the picture Trump and the rest to all waiting for; 'a picture of each candidate holding their birth certificate.'  And leave it at that.  The Democrats are convinced by the birth certificate presented during the Democratic Primaries of long ago.  What the Republican Prmarians are looking for is POWER.  So, whoever can GOAD a sitting United States President into posing with his birth certificate will have proved they are the better candidate with the most smarts.

The circus called the Republican Primary has begun, I doubt seriously anyone, especially Presidental advisors and Cabinet members need to take the 'ring masters' seriously.  The country has business to do and the side shows are nothing more than trival pursuit.