Friday, February 18, 2011

There is corruption, conspiracy and a coup occuring on the floor of the US House of Representatives regarding the Budget and the irresponsible amendment process.

POINTS OF ORDER are being overruled by the Chair of the House on (as stated today on the record) 'persuasive argument' and not facts.

The Chair of the House wielding the gavel is breaking the law and disregading the USA Constitution while House Budget Committee memebers have abdicated their responsibilities to a 'dictator' House Budget Chair. 

I demand these members of the House be investigated for treason and malfeasance for impeachment of their authority to seat in their elected seats.

There is every indication Speaker Boehner has been removed from his responsiblities and religated to 'a figure head' for the 'conspiracy of the minority' within the majority.  Golfing, under a warming planet, must be good these days.  He should be overseeing the proceeding in the House and he is ABSENT.

It is currently up to the Senate and the Executive Branch to bring ORDER and INTEGRITY back to the USA Constitution.  The US House of Representatives have incompetents and conspirators governing its processes.

There is NO legislatively discernable language being conducted 'in argument' on the US House floor.  There is 'street jargon' being substituted for US House processes by Republicans with complete disregard for legislative and legal identification of any measure being discussed.  The USA House is being used for chronic politicking as noted in the proceedings today.  They are in complete disregard of the purpose of their PAYCHECKS and are not conducting the business of the people.