Sunday, February 20, 2011

On "Meet the Press" Senator Lindsay Graham never spoke to the issue, but, only the campaign of Scott Walker.

I want to thank Senator Durbin for stating clearly that the President is taking the advise of his bi-partisan commission on the deficit while preparing his budget for 2011.

Somehow, the topics of entitlements and annual budgets is all rolled into one for the convenience of politicking for the Republicans.  It just goes to show the Republicans have no real ideas for solving problems, but, simply seek election rhetoric at the cost of solving the nation's problems.

Senator Graham's only defense of Walker in Wisconsin was a campaign flyer that stated he wanted reform for collective bargaining. 

A campaign flyer?

You know the Republicans are about as two faced as they come.  They, including Graham, will condemn the President for living up to his campaign promises and uphold any Republican for doing the same thing. 

During the health care debate, which lasted more than a year, the Republicans were chronically beating the dead horse that the people of America didn't want health reform.  Yet, when it came to their own party and the repeal of the Affordable Care Act only six percent of the country wanted it repealed.  What was the reply of the Republicans to that?  Oh, well, it would seem as though that was their campaign promise.

What is being touted as reform in Wisconsin is actually abuse of power.  I am also proud of the Democrats that remain out of state to prevent a quorum.  Tell me the Republicans would not do the same thing, IF, they thought of it if the tables were reversed.  Being out of state IS being 'at work.'  This action by the Wisconsin Democratic Senators is as difficult, if not more so, as the demonstrations outside and inside the capital building.

If Walker wants to sincerely GOVERN and not DICTATE, then we would have called a summit / conference with the unions to actually reform areas of collective bargaining where QUALITY ASSURANCE conflicts with past union administrations and their contracts.  Walker needs to govern and not simply abuse the power of his office by tacking on exploitive language to a budget proposal.  The 'union busting' language in the budget has NOTHING to do with cost savings. 

With obvious violations of the public trust by Governor Walker, there needs to be an investigation to the tax cuts, whom they benefit and why exactly they were pursued in order to drive UP the deficit and allow attacks on the unions.

I remind, at this point in economic recovery in the USA, no matter the State, to remove disposable income from the Middle Class is to cause economic decline and quite possibly reversal of the progress being made.

I believe the statement by President Obama was, "We all need to get in the boat at the same time." 

Quite correct.  But, for Republicans this is the Democratic Waterloo and all the prospective candidates for 2012 have hung their hat on this issue in Wisconsin.  THAT, was an extremely poor decision.  By siding with Walker, the potential Republican candidates for POTUS in 2012 have turned their backs on the Middle Class.  Not the unions.  The Middle Class.  But, then when one realizes how completely bizarre and deceptive Republican primaires are, this is par for the course.