Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Cause and Effect?

Muzaffar al-Din Shah Qajar (left), king of Persia from 1897-1907, granted a concession in 1901 to William Knox D’Arcy (1849-1917) (right), a British investor, to explore for oil in southern Iran. D’Arcy never visited Iran or any part of the Middle East. He became the first director of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company in 1909.  (Click here)

Certainly every Right Wing Nut recognizes this gentlemen.  I probably don't have to say a word.

I said to myself, "Self?  I wonder if there is any relationship between the arrival of The West and radicalism in the Middle East?"

That gentleman, Imam Shahid Hasan Al-Banna, is the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, somewhere around the year 1928, I believe.  He was assassinated.  Imagine that, an Imam assassinated.  The year was 1949.

I believe the first oil well was drilled by a US company in Saudi Arabia about 1933.

My dates are a little off.  He was a teacher, as was his father.  He knew little of nothing about Europe and the USA even a the time of his death from assassination at the age of 42-43 years old.  Imagine an Imam being assassinated.  Wow.

They were scholars of 'hadith.'  I doubt anyone reading this knows what 'hadith' is or could state what the 'context' of it might be.  As IGNORANT as these scholars were of The West, could not even conceptualize it; "The West" was never a good landlord and was as IGNORANT about 'hadith' in the land where they found vast profits.  Instead, 'The West' was all about itself and making money.  Shouldn't eveyrone else be?

"A Mosque?  What are you talking about, that thing you wear on your face on Halloween?  Five times a day?  These guys pray in a Mosque five times a day.  No, thanks, once on Saturday or Sunday is all the holiness I need.  They ought to give it a shot, you know?"

S.M. Hasan Al-Banna (click here)

Imam Shahid Hasan Al-Banna born in Egypt (1906- 1949), The founder of Al Ikwan Al Muslimin (The Muslim Brotherhood) the largest Islamic Movement of our time.

He studied Hadith and Shafi' fiqh under his Father Shaykh Abdur Rahaman Al-Banna, which he was considered one of the top Hadith scholar of his time, Shaykh Abdurhaman Al-Banna re-arranged the Musnad of Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal thus made it much easier for the students of knowledge to search for hadith.
Imam Al Banna is considered by many Muslim scholars worldwide as the Mujaddid of his time (A revival of Islam in the 20th century). He was assassinated in 1949.

This is where it really gets interesting.  The Yom Kipper War.  It was the first time Arab nations encountered the militarization of Israel.

Remember the 1973 oil embargo?  A cartel thing for money, right?  "W"rong.  The embargo was initiated to make an impression on 'The West' regarding the militarization of Israel.  The Arab nations decided their sovereignty was at risk in a way they grossly underestimated.

Oh, yeah. 

What occurred 'to save face' was the first "Middle East Peace Engagement."  There were successful negotiations with Israel to pull back from the Sinai and Golan Heights once the fighting stopped.  The West would do anything for oil and Israel was, after all, dependent (OPPOSITE OF INDEPENDENT / INDEPENDENCE).  The Nixon Administration (George H. W. Bush was ambassador to China at the time.  I think.  Well, he was ambassador to China, I am just wondering the 'timing.') negotiated both with the Arab oil exporting countries end to the embargo in tandem with Egypt, Syria and Israel 'peace settlement.'

It was then the nations of the Middle East found 'the weapons trade' with The West.  They called it "Weapons Trade with Under-developed Countries."  DC still calls it that today.  It is an oxymoron.  Why would any country trade weapons with 'undeveloped' countries?   Any guess?  I can't come up with any.  In this case, it is because The West didn't want economic collapse when the oil spigot was turned off.  Then later there was the Iran Contra Affair and that whole mess. 
Interesting, huh?

So, now that "Twitter" and social media has opened up the world to Arabia and the people finally 'get it' about democracy and a responsive government, The West is suppose to believe the worst about The Muslim Brotherhood.


It is probably the first time Arabs 'on the street'' actually know what WESTERNS look like!

So, before the 'morons' on the Right Political Spectrum of the USA start being paranoid about The Muslim Brotherhood, they need to 'bone up' on 'hadith.'  Should be interesting for them.  To actually thinik after all these years of 'fiscal exploitation' of the Middle East, they might actually come to understand 'the natives.' 

After 'really, really' getting ones mind entrenched in 'faux fear' of Middle East Democracy, it sincerely makes one come to appreciate 'The Peace Movement' and opposition to weapons sales.

Get over it.  The Middle East is 'coming into its own,' finally!

Oppression breeds poverty.  Poverty breeds ignorance and extremism.

The USA needs to MODIFY its policies in The Middle East to include 'prudent' weapons sales AND quality of life of civilians.