Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pawlenty begins his nationwide book tour with a "Macaw-caw" moment.

At the end of his book signing, our man from Comcast asks for his autograph.  Pawlenty looks up and states, "You just had that merger.  So how is that working out for you?" 

Pawlenty, of course, is referring the purchase of MSNBC by Comcast.

Pawlenty was looking not just for donations, but, conversion of Comcast to 'the dark side.'

Repuglicans just cannot help it.  Corrupt to the core and it just oozes out of their pores.  The statement comes in at the end of the hour long talk.  It isn't the Press Club video.  Sorry.  It was his first book stop on C-Span.

Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty (click here for video).   Pawlenty talked about political issues. Topics included the policies of President Obama, jobs creation, health care, education, and the federal debt. He recently wrote his memoir, Courage to Stand. Following his speech he responded to written questions from ..

"Courage to Stand" book tour