Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I cannot believe after all this time Condolessa Rice has not come to terms with her own lies. She is still lying.

Maybe she believes she is lying just a little bit, so its not really a lie.


The woman is diluted by her own importance.  And talk about tone.  The tone of that administration was not only horrible, it still lingers today as if sincerely civilized.

The lie of WMD according to Rice was not a lie because they sincerely were led to believe Saddam was RE-arming his weapons of mass destruction accompanied by technology that would cause the USA warm.

Where the hell does that come from?

There was NO credible intelligence that said there was ANY capacity of the Saddam government hidden under the sands of Iraq that the United Nations inspectors COULD NOT FIND and that the seals on any stores of any type of weapons were distrubed.  If ANYTHING there was GROSS proof to JUST THE OPPOSITE.

On repeated occassion since Iraq was diarmed the United Nations Inspectors found NOTHING.  Not a trace of any proof of the Bush allogations.  The Bush White House had no credible proof other than their own 'imagineering.'  Who the hell is she fooling even today?

I can't and won't respect here.  There is no reason for me to respect a word she says.  I never respected a word she said before and that is not going to change now.

There were tests on going with companies contracted to the USA military that was proving left and right any exposure of biological and chemical would degrade extremely quickly when exposed to a 'carbon' SAND environment and yet they persisited the Hussein government was hiding something.

It is one thing to value human life and work to have Saddam and his government removed from power to insure the safety of others, such as the 50,000 Shi'ites that were killed.  But, to turn right around and kill the very people that once were at the mercy of Saddam for the sake of 'Nation Builiding' is more than simply hippocritical, it is a human rights violation that she and her peers have never been held responsible for.

The reason and the ONLY reason Bush ordered the invasion into Iraq is because THE TONE of the country allowed it while Americans huddled in their homes with Duct Tape.

Rice has a lot of soul searching to do, IF she still has one.

"Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US" (click here)

Senator Feinstein called Vice President Cheney when receiving the document to her desk after first sending two memos and stated, "Did you see the assessment?" 

Cheney stated, "Yes and we won't be able to address that for six more months."

Feinstein, "Dick, the document states three months."

The Bush Regime remains indictable for deaths both domestic and abroad.

After16 weeks, (click title to entry - thank you) inspectors turned up some evidence of undeclared activities, but not enough to convince a majority of the Security Council members that military force was necessary. Nonetheless, on March 19, 2003, U.S. and British forces attacked Iraq to forcibly eliminate its WMD. This report, which will be updated as events warrant, analyzes the inspections, their outcome, and possible future tasks....

The 'evidence of undeclared activity,' were the Iraqi scud missiles could reach targets JUST OVER THE BORDER of Iraq with an extended range of a few hundred meters beyond what they were supposed to be allowed with Iraq disarmed.  As a result the Scuds were dismantled and buried in the desert according to the demands of the USA.

The other activity was found when components to POTENTIAL centrifuges were found scattered around the country. 

None of the UN Seals were disturbed and IN FACT the so called inventory of WMD was stated to be gone and it was gone.

Even today, Rice does nothing but 'makes excuses' for a war that has killed countless of innocent people and thousands of USA soldiers that were given SUBSTANDARD equipment and vehicles to carry out an obscure mission. 

I do not believe she is capable of facing the facts and never will be.

...Cables sent (click here) by Condoleezza Rice also tell that Syria wasn’t willing to allow International Atomic Energy Agency’s inspection to assure everyone that its nuclear reactor meant no harm. It was United State’s support and advice which encouraged Israel to attack Syria; violating its boundaries and showing disrespect for its sovereignty.
Condoleezza Rice explicitly mentions in her cables that it was essential for the diplomats to know about the ongoing situation.
Reports issued by the experts in 2007 confirm the cables sent by Condoleezza Rice to quite an extent. It is said that the area attacked by Israel was immediately declared as a restricted zone; the government wanted to remove any proof confirming the presence of nuclear reactor at the location. It is also said that traces of uranium were found from the location....