Wednesday, November 03, 2010

4 Billion US spent on 2010 elections. The Plutocrats won seats.

OVERBY: Four billion dollars. (click title to entry - thank you)

INSKEEP: Four billion dollars spent in this campaign?

OVERBY: Probably, or close to it.

INSKEEP: There's so many different kinds of spending here. Lets just go through some of the different ways that people spend money on elections. One is just the campaign contributions. Youre a congressmen, you ask for a contribution, you get it, it's under certain limits, you can spend it to re-elect yourself. How has that spending changed this year?

OVERBY: It is up 80 percent just from two years ago. Congressional races in 2008 compared to congressional races in 2010 is an 80 percent jump.

INSKEEP: Eighty percent increase, even though the limits on contributions haven't really changed that much, right?

The USA Democracy is FOR SALE and all the politicians are 'contrite' to recognize it !!!  It has gotten to be hideous in this country.  It isn't about the people and what they need, but, simply how does Wall Street harness the USA Treasury.

...A recent report states that the money (click here) spent on this election by candidates, political parties and other interest groups will break the previous record for a midterm vote by around $1 billion. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, total spending could reach as much as $4 billion this year, for a non-presidential, mid-term election. Is it just me, or is that an obscene amount of money, $4 billion dollars!?!? Keeping things in perspective, comparatively, the Obama administration recently pledged $4 billion dollars (over the next three years) to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.(1) This sum will go towards saving lives in the developing world and is allocated over a period longer than the time until the next midterm election....