Sunday, October 10, 2010

See, for me it is all about money. Wall Street money.

So, let's see.  Bush ignites the flame that burned in the housing market by a bill passed in ? 2001 ? that appropriated $8.1 billion.  I think that was the deal.  The bill was to finance first time home  buyers that were paying rent and employed in one way or another.  It was supposed to take a 'rental lease' and turn it into a 'mortgage payment.'


So, fast forward to 2008.

The Wall Street investment banks eventually bought BUNDLES of mortgages without really documenting their purchase, that translated to an understandable partner with the person paying the monthly mortgage. 

They basically gave each other permission to break the law and streamline transactions only to have "Hank," Treasury Secretary, cut a 'real deal' in DC to get them off the hook so they couldn't be FINED or IMPRISSONED. 

Not bad.

The idea was to somehow 'bailout' all the investors that were watching the housing market grow in leaps and bounds, knowing appraised values would eventually plummet.  In bundling the mortgages the investment banks thought they could shield themselves from financial hardship. 

You know, so what if a few of every 100 mortgages failed, the profit would still 'be there' so long as they all didn't fail.
