Saturday, October 02, 2010

The latest dangerous egotistical and arrogant political rant by the Right Wing Media.

It was the day before Tyler Clementi fell into crisis due to the acts of others.

Michael Savage (link at title to entry) was ridiculing a female caller that spoke up to say everyone in the country, including young adults, need to have health care and yes there was a segment of the population that need to be on their parent's health insurance until the age of 26.

Michael Savage ranted on and on about his demands to have a USA infrastructure that saw young adults as autonomous at the age of 18 years old or younger to the age of 16.  He stated to his female caller in the 'ugliest voice' he had, obnoxious and loud, that he was not interested in having a young adult on HER insurance policy. 

He stated I am not going to subsidize insurance so that your son can whine to a councilor when life gets a little tough.

Really, Mr. Savage?

...The Clementi family said that the funeral services would not be open to the public and asked that people respect their privacy.... (click here)

Ever since the Bush White House where there were smoking guns and chain saw massacres of forests at Prairie Chapel Ranch the people of the USA have had to put up with these FAUX 'Tough Guys" at every turn.  

This is the USA where people are civilized and value life.  We strive to have high quality life styles even in the face of Wall Street Carpetbaggers.  It is the country where EVERYONE is safe to find their own identity and civil rights.

Insensitivity on the Radio Waves of the country to brow beat average people to pull a lever for a Republican in November should be banned from the FCC.  At some point in time, the FCC has to do research to reveal the subversive agenda of populous radio that EMOTES hate as if it were an authority we respected.

I believe "Savage Nation" is one of the worst programs that ever existed.

Until tomorrow.